July 2024

What are bad driving habits?

This post was originally published on www.progressive.com Habits are an essential part of being a good driver. The more aspects of operating a car that are second nature, the more attention you can give to the road and traffic conditions. Unfortunately, many drivers have internalized bad or unsafe driving habits that make their driving riskier. …

What are bad driving habits? Read More »

What are bad driving habits?

What are safe driving practices?

This post was originally published on www.progressive.com According to the American Automobile Association (AAA), more than 90% of crashes result from human error, but almost three-quarters of drivers think their skills are above average. While driving safety often focuses on what not to do — like using a cellphone while driving— above-average drivers also cultivate …

What are safe driving practices? Read More »

What are safe driving practices?
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